Mistakes people make when they start learning programming
Not knowing the full expressive power of your language : e.g., C++ is used very commonly, but a very limited people know that it has STL function libraries as well. It can give you predefined functions with best possible complexities, e.g., algorithm, vector, string, etc. Not figuring out why you want to learn coding. Not doing ‘dry-run’ of code neither using a debugger. Endless research, watching videos, etc. are worthless if you do not spend time in real code-writing. Writing entire code in one block, i.e., not making functions in code. Leap directly to make big softwares . Writing code without a plan : First, develop a solution for solving your problem, make some rough outline or algorithm and then start writing code. Planning Too Much Before Writing Code is also bad. Not setting practical specific goals and deadlines for learning coding. Not learning the basic terminology related to that language and techn...
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