Mistakes people make when they start learning programming

  • Not knowing the full expressive power of your language :
    • e.g., C++ is used very commonly, but a very limited people know that it has STL function libraries as well.
    • It can give you predefined functions with best possible complexities, e.g., algorithm, vector, string, etc.
  • Not figuring out why you want to learn coding.
  • Not doing ‘dry-run’ of code neither using a debugger.
  • Endless research, watching videos, etc. are worthless if you do not spend time in real code-writing.
  • Writing entire code in one block, i.e., not making functions in code.
  • Leap directly to make big softwares .
  • Writing code without a plan :
    • First, develop a solution for solving your problem, make some rough outline or algorithm and then start writing code.
    • Planning Too Much Before Writing Code is also bad.
  • Not setting practical specific goals and deadlines for learning coding.
  • Not learning the basic terminology related to that language and technology that you are going to use.
  • Not getting a reference book for learning.
  • Reading someone else’s code is not bad, if you failed even after your best try. It will give you new ideas.
  • Writing comments is not a wastage of time during coding.
  • Do thinking you need 5 different monitors to learn to code (like below)
  • Not practicing code daily :
    • The only way to get better at programming is to actually program.
  • Not know how to use Google :
    • In present context, Google is able to answer anything; for the condition that one search it correctly.
    • As a programmer, one must know how to use Google to solve the queries arise during programming.
  • Not doing online competitive programming :
    • They will provide you real problems where your ability to use concepts will be checked. This will help in increasing understandability to the language.


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