unknown shocking facts about NASA
1.Bob Ebeling Bob Ebeling, one of the main engineers behind NASA's Challenger rocket, which exploded in 1986, revealed that after NASA would not heed his warnings against launching in the cold weather, he told his wife the night before the launch, "It's going to blow up. 2. NASA has 2 satellites chasing each other around the Earth tracking the distance between themselves to measure gravitational anomalies. Their nicknames are Tom and Jerry. 3. Not only did a private US company pay for the research for the inexpensive "space pen" NASA uses, but the pen worked so well that the Soviets bought it, too. 4. The Minnesota Vikings' new stadium cost more than a NASA mission to Pluto. 5. A NASA astronaut (Don L. Lind) waited 19 years to fly in space. He was selected in 1966 but was chosen for canceled missions, or as a backup for missions. He said, "I was backing up two of the most depressingly healthy people you can imagine." He finally f...