Top 20 Amazing Unknown Windows Shortcuts that make you a pro (part 1)
Shortcuts just make your computer experience simpler and more efficient, and PCs and Macs have a number of little hacks and tricks that you can use to make life easier. In fact, if you have the will and the knowledge you can almost exclusively use the keyboard to perform all of your computer functions without having to touch a mouse again. Here are a few short cuts that might help you out. 1. Just type in the name of the website in the address bar on a browser and press Ctrl+Enter to add the 'www.' and '.com', prefix and suffix automatically. 2. Use Ctrl+K to add a hyperlink to a bit of selected text. 3. Press the Windows Key+F to quickly open the search bar to search for files or folders. 4. Press Alt+Space Bar to quickly open the menu tab for any active window. 5. You can undo an Undo by pressing Ctrl+Y . Simple, ain't it? 6. Squeeze down the Alt key and press Esc button to tog...